Author: Carrie Harris
Publication Date: November 30th 2016
Publisher: Serial Box Publishing
Part of a Series?: Yes, Episode 12/15 of ReMade Season 1
I Got A Copy Through: The Publisher (THANK YOU!)
Buy Links: Episodes are available in text and audio and can be enjoyed through the Serial Box App, at SerialBox.com, or wherever eBooks are sold.
Blurb Description:Season One will unfold across 15 episodes beginning September 14th, with a new installment dropping every Wednesday until the season finale on December 21st. Jump into this digital serial, available in both text and audio, and find out what the future of fiction holds.
You live. You love. You Die. Now RUN. ReMade is a thrilling sci-fi adventure that will take readers past the boundaries of time, space, and even death.
This is the 12th episode of ReMade, a 15-episode serial from Serial Box Publishing. This episode was written by Carrie Harris.
Cole is what you’d call a “salt of the earth” type. He works hard, loves his girl, and feels best when he’s being useful – which makes being injured particularly frustrating. When the others go off exploring and leave him behind again, he’s finally had enough. With Naveah as his accomplice he sets off to find answers of his own, and ends up learning more than he wanted.
ReMade Season One: In one moment the lives of twenty-three teenagers are forever changed, and it’s not just because they all happen to die. “ReMade” in a world they barely recognize – one with robots, space elevators, and unchecked jungle – they must work together to survive. They came from different places, backgrounds, and families, and now they might be the last people on earth. Lost meets The Maze Runner in this exciting serial adventure.
I'm not really sure how to review this episode, or what to say, but it was filled with one emotion: Pain.
I opened this episode the minute after I finished reviewing the previous one, We're Dead In This Ghost Town, as there was a "Next On ReMade" attached to the end of it that promised a museum with answers attached, and I couldn't resist.
And now, I'm just shocked. I have no idea what to say, or how to review this episode without spoiling it, because this is ESSENTIAL to the plot line. Everything up to this point had just been a guess, but now the team finally got answers about where they are, why they're in this place and what happened to the lives they remember.
This episode was written in a new viewpoint, Cole, who's leg was injured in the Caretaker attack a bunch on episodes ago.
From the minute he started narrating, I knew Cole was someone easy to fall in love with. A reliable person, an young father and hard worker, I adored him and then FELT every inch of his pain as he did.
I'm not going to spoil this episode, I'm only going to say HOW SAD I am that I don't have the next episode ready to read, because ReMade is turning out to be better than I ever expected, and I NEED MORE.
A fast paced, pain filled rollercoaster that I can't wait to ride again. 4 stars.

ReMade is a serial presented episodically in 15 parts by Serial Box Publishing.
In one moment the lives of twenty-three teenagers are forever changed, and it’s not just because they all happen to die. Remade in a world they barely recognize – one with robots, space elevators, and unchecked jungle – they must work together to solve the mystery and stay alive. They came from different places, backgrounds, and families, and now they are our only hope. Lost meets The Maze Runner in this thrilling serial that combines contemporary YA with classic Science Fiction to fling you headfirst into adventure.
Carrie Harris was
born in Chicago but if you ask her, she’ll say she’s from Ohio. Her interests
include English Literature, brains, and hot geek boys. She has held a string of
very incongruous jobs but in between autopsies and studying mad cows, she wrote
for various tabletop roleplaying games and textbook companies. These days she
writes books for teens, tweens, and adults while also being the Marketing
Director for Evil Hat Productions. Her published works include Bad Taste in Boys, and Demon Derby. CarrieHarrisBooks.com.

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