Title: Whiteout (ReMade Season 1 Episode 9)
Author: Andrea Phillips
Publication Date: November 9th 2016
Publisher: Serial Box Publishing
Part of a Series?: Yes, Episode 9/15 of ReMade Season 1
I Got A Copy Through: The Publisher (THANK YOU!)
Buy Links: Episodes are available in text and audio and can be enjoyed through the Serial Box App, at SerialBox.com, or wherever eBooks are sold.
Blurb Description:Season One will unfold across 15 episodes beginning September 14th, with a new installment dropping every Wednesday until the season finale on December 21st. Jump into this digital serial, available in both text and audio, and find out what the future of fiction holds.
You live. You love. You Die. Now RUN. ReMade is a thrilling sci-fi adventure that will take readers past the boundaries of time, space, and even death.
This is the 9th episode of ReMade, a 15-episode serial from Serial Box Publishing. This episode was written by Andrea Phillips.
All May wants is some alone time – being stuck with a ragtag team of the previously-dead could drive anyone a little crazy (especially when no one has showered for a week). But in this strange and unfamiliar world, danger lurks behind every tree…and sometimes in every cloud.
ReMade Season One: In one moment the lives of twenty-three teenagers are forever changed, and it’s not just because they all happen to die. “ReMade” in a world they barely recognize – one with robots, space elevators, and unchecked jungle – they must work together to survive. They came from different places, backgrounds, and families, and now they might be the last people on earth. Lost meets The Maze Runner in this exciting serial adventure.
If I could use one word to describe this episode, it would have to be... Emotional.
Told from one of my favourite character's point of view, Whiteout explores, through one girl's head, what it's like to be stranded somewhere, with no civilisation in sight and the last memory that you have us of yourself dying.
May has always been the perfect one. The Girl that worked the hardest, knew where she was going in life and had a plan to get there. In this strange world, abd during the course of this episode, May really let's herself FEEL for the first time what it means to be here, and what happened to the carefully planned out life she left behind.
She goes through sadness, anger and pain, which is what I think people dying might go through, that the world spun on without her, as if she was merely an inconsequential blip to it. It was very well handled, with helplessness and despair wafting off the page, accompanied will a sliver of hope.
While I do Love May, I realised that all the characters have been in an emotional stasis sonce they entered here. All the romances we've been reading about since Episode 1 (I'm talking Holden and Seyah) or after haven't progressed past smouldering gazes that EVERYONE but the recipient sees.
Also, while nothing important happened on the World Building front in this episode (except for that ending. OH GOD. Why have I not downloaded 10 onto my Kindle?) It still didn't seem like a filler episode like the seventh. In fact, I quite enjoyed watching someone turmoil through her emotions of being dead, in a strange environment and what that would mean.
I'm hoping that both the characters and the story progress soon, but this was a worthy episode all in all.

ReMade is a serial presented episodically in 15 parts by Serial Box Publishing.
In one moment the lives of twenty-three teenagers are forever changed, and it’s not just because they all happen to die. Remade in a world they barely recognize – one with robots, space elevators, and unchecked jungle – they must work together to solve the mystery and stay alive. They came from different places, backgrounds, and families, and now they are our only hope. Lost meets The Maze Runner in this thrilling serial that combines contemporary YA with classic Science Fiction to fling you headfirst into adventure.
Andrea Phillips is a transmedia writer, game designer and author. She is on
the writing team for season 2 of the urban fantasy serial Bookburners as well
as ReMade. Her debut novel is Revision,
an SF thriller about a wiki where your edits come true. She has also worked on
iOS fitness games Zombies, Run! and The Walk; The Maester's Path for HBO's Game
of Thrones; human rights game America 2049; and the independent
commercial ARG Perplex City. She also writes an ongoing column about
video games called Metagames for Strange Horizons.
Her nonfiction book A Creator's Guide to
Transmedia Storytelling is used to teach digital storytelling at
universities around the world.

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