Title: Nevernight (The Nevernight Chronicles #1)
Author: Jay KristoffPublication Date: August 11th 2016
Publisher: Harper Voyager
Part of a Series?: Yes, Book 1/3 of the Nevernight Chronicles
I Got A Copy Through: Harper Collins India (THANK YOU!)
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Blurb Description: Destined to destroy empires, Mia Covere is only ten years old when she is given her first lesson in death.
Six years later, the child raised in shadows takes her first steps towards keeping the promise she made on the day that she lost everything.
But the chance to strike against such powerful enemies will be fleeting, so if she is to have her revenge, Mia must become a weapon without equal. She must prove herself against the deadliest of friends and enemies, and survive the tutelage of murderers, liars and demons at the heart of a murder cult.
The Red Church is no Hogwarts, but Mia is no ordinary student.
The shadows love her. And they drink her fear.
Like I said, GUTTED.
Before going into Nevernight,
I knew that:
The Beginning was a little slow
There were constant footnotes as add-on
information to the story itself
Since I ALREADY knew these things, I went in thoroughly
prepared, and I just thought you should too, because well, the slow beginning
shouldn’t put you off from reading the rest of the book that will ALTER what you look for in fantasy novels FOREVER.
Things I need more
of NOW (and cannot wait a year for):
WORLD: There was such GORGEOUS world building in Nevernight, with the story
of the overthrowing of the previous Liisain Monarchy and the establishment of
the Iteryan Republic, the EXPLANATION of Nevernights and True Darks and
everything in between (there are THREE suns in the world. How COOL IS THAT) All
in all, it is a BEAUTIFULLY constructed world that gives you all the right
information for you to vividly imagine EVERYTHING.
Kindly: THIS NOT-CAT WAS EVERYTHING. He was loyal, omnipresent, filled with
dark humour and sexual innuendo and is ALSO A SHADOW THAT DRINKS (absorbs)
MIA’S FEAR. I loved the conversations between Mia and the Not-Cat, the fact
that he was always there to protect her and well, I CAN’T WAIT FOR MORE.
humour: I haven’t read any of Jay Kristoff’s books before this one, but
HOLY GOD, the humour (especially the DARK HUMOUR) and the terminology and the
SASS in this book had me laughing, even in the most serious of times.
The Red
Church: THIS IS THE HOGWARTS FOR ASSASSINS. I loved the fact that this
place had seen no light, so the shadows were strongest, that it was almost a
sentient being with its corridors and staircases changing at any given time. I
mostly LOVED the Library with the dead books, new wings mysteriously showing up
and the BOOKWORMS that would devour you
if any book was taken out of place.
Shaahids: Shaahids are masters of a particular discipline and are also the
teachers in the Red Church. There was Mouser, the Shaahid of Pockets (stealing),
Spiderkiller the Shaahid of Truth (Poison) and others who were brutal in their
testing, teaching and judgement, and they were SO COOL. I loved reading their
classes, loved the sheer ingenuity that went into creating assassins that could
survive any situation. WONDERFUL.
While the ending of this book left me CRAVING for more, and
totally GUTTED that this was over (it isn’t a cliff-hanger, don’t worry) there
were a few times when Mia (the GREATEST assassin in the world) was SOFT. She
was kind, she was empathetic, she felt BAD about killing people and that didn’t
go with the Stab Stab Stab nature of the whole book?
There are so many characters in this book that I loved and
lost and will continue to mourn for many Nevernights to come, but FOR GOD’S
(Aah/ Niah) SAKE, READ IT.
What was the last epic fantasy you read? What is the COOLEST book on assassins that you've read?
Have you read any other Jay Kristoff books? Which one should I read next?
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