
BLOG TOUR: Vanquished by S.E.Green - Review + Giveaway


Title: Vanquished
Author: S.E.Green
Publication Date: November 10th 2015
Genres: New Adult, Thriller
Purchase Links: Amazon || B&N
Blurb Description: Where society’s elite go to explore their darkest desires. And where promises of freedom are just manipulative lies.
For a price, the world’s most powerful people can have their darkest desires. On a private island hidden in the ocean, they may hunt humans for game, attend gladiator-style fights, participate in elaborate orgies, and freely indulge in all the deadly sins within the cosplay of ancient times.
Abducted from their life in Miami, Valoria and her younger sister wake up in this secret society, wherein Valoria is condemned to the fights and her sister is taken away to become a sex slave.
Now “property” of a sadistic tyrant, Valoria joins other men and women captives who are forced to fight and maim for others’ enjoyment, to run in their hunts, and participate in deviant fantasies. And she’s under the cold, watchful eye of Alexior, a hired trainer with his own agenda for being involved in the twisted decadence.
After surviving several near-death ordeals, a defiant Valoria focuses on her training and against all odds soon becomes a favorite. But she fights for one thing and one thing only—to be reunited with her sister and to be freed.
But promises of freedom are sometimes just manipulative lies . . .
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I decided to be on the Vanquished tour because this sounded so different - so much more grittier - than any of the books I've been reading and I thought it would make for a nice change it my reading palette.

Valoria awakens to find she has been kidnapped and being taken to be auctioned off to the highest bidder. She doesn't care about herself, though, only about her little sister. 

She's transported to a private island. This island, though, it's not a normal one. Or a sunshine-y one. For a price, the rich and the powerful can get make thier darkest desires a reality. There are human hunts, ancient times cosplay and gladiator style fights. Valoria finds herself fighting to the death to try to buy her freedom off the island and save her sister. 

Even without a warning, I knew Vanquished would have been a novel for mature readers, but I decided to give it a try anyway. So different from what I usually read, I know! I am a little glad though, that while it was dark, and took human trafficking and sadistic tendencies to a whole new level, things were mentioned but not overly described, which might have made it a bit too dark.

What it really could have used to help the story out though was a bit better world building within the story. There was no real description about the island, and I was pretty much left to my own imagination, something that's not very great in sort of dystopian novels. 

Vanquished, however, is an action packed from start to finish and did really like it.

S. E. Green (aka Shannon Greenland) is the award winning author of several novels including the teen thriller, KILLER INSTINCT, and the spy series, THE SPECIALISTS. She lives off the coast of Florida with her very grouchy dog. Find her at www.segreen.net

This tour is hosted by Xpresso Book Tours.