Synopsis: College freshman Liv is more than just a fangirl: The Starveil movies are her life… So, when her favorite character, Captain Matt Spartan, is killed off at the end of the last movie, Liv Just. Can’t. Deal.
Tired of sitting in her room sobbing, Liv decides to launch an online campaign to bring her beloved hero back to life. With the help of her best friend, Xander, actor and steampunk cosplayer extraordinaire, she creates #SpartanSurvived, a campaign to ignite the fandom. But as her online life succeeds beyond her wildest dreams, Liv is forced to balance that with the pressures of school, her mother’s disapproval, and her (mostly nonexistent and entirely traumatic) romantic life. A trip to DragonCon with Xander might be exactly what she needs to figure out what she really wants.
I read my first Danika Stone novel, Edge of Wild, a little over a month ago. It was an adult murder mystery and not exactly my regular reading genre, this one sounded entirely eatable and I'm so glad the gamble I took paid off. Edge of Wild was a perfectly mysterious mystery, with wonderfully done characters and I LOVED IT!
And so when I heard that Danika Stone was publishing a YA novel about Fangirls and FANDOMS, I knew I HAD to have it. Also, that cover. *swoon*
Just before I was accepted onto the FFBC All The Feels tour, a trusted blogging friend told me she had the worst experience EVER with this book, and so, I went in expecting less than nothing.
The book opens with Liv's favourite character dying, in what is supposed to be the final Starveil movie. Tom Grander - Spartan - has been her entire world for as long as she can remember, and him dying, on screen? Worst. Thing. Ever. Hey, I'm a reader, so I get it. Maybe it was a tiny bit overdone. but I read so much, I don't belong to just one fandom like Liv, but MILLIONS!
It can't be, she decides, Spartan can't be dead. There couldn't have been just one escape podship, and HE HAS TO LIVE.
So, she decides to make use of the powers of fans everywhere, and starts an online call to arms #SpartanSurvived. And with the help of her actor best friend, she posts videos online, calling the fans from everywhere to bring him back to life.
As I went in expecting very little, this book was better than I expected. I LOVED the intensity of fandom, the fact that her online friends were !
There were, however, a lot of things I didn't like. Such as the love interest, Xander. He was so over the top, with his constant use of the word dearest (ugh) and his whole "you have such a sexy body" and then there was his girlfriend who was oh-so-conveniently in and out of the picture. Liv would be the rudest person in the world to this girl, and she would bounce back like it never happened. I just didn't feel the chemistry, and I hate it when that happens.
Also, go teenage angst, WOOHOO, I'm a teenager, and I'm constantly yelling at my mother, but this felt very under done. Her mother wasn't making an effort, Liv was ALWAYS shouting, and it would have been okay if they had more than a half page make up scene that was only a little meaningful, but it didn't happen.
Overall, a three star rating because I'm a Fangirl and I can resist!
Follow the All The Feels by Danika Stone Blog Tour and don't miss anything! Click on the banner to see the tour schedule.

Ms. Stone is represented by Morty Mint of Mint Literary Agency.
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