Hi you guys!
For day 22, I have with me the WONDERFUL S, Usher Evans, whose wonderful book, The Island comes out TODAY! It is a brilliant, All the Feels book, and I could NOT recommend it more!
Check out the book and enter both giveaways! YAY!
1. Best part of being an author:
Definitely setting my own schedule, being able to make decisions and not answer to anyone. Also the sheer joy of sharing these characters that, in some cases, have been my best friends for over half my life. In the case of my October release, Spells and Sorcery, Lexie walked into my head when I was thirteen.
2. Two places I’d like to visit:
Hogwarts (post-Voldepants) and Australia
3. Best Fantasy Novel:
Ooh, that’s a tough one. I mean it’s not really (HP), but besides the obvious… I was really blown away by Bell Eleven, by Nina J. Lux. There was so much creativity in the world she’d created. I’m dying for the next book.
4. Greatest thing about being an indie author:
Again, the freedom to do what I want, when I want, how I want. Also, the speed of it. I can write and publish a book in the span of nine months (including time for preorder promo), versus the long slog of trad publishing. There are pros and cons to both, but for me and my impatience, indie publishing is the right call.
5. Why is The Island a must read?
This book is very different from any I’ve written before. First and foremost, the dual-POV was incredibly fun to play with, especially because there’s nothing but an Island. So really, you’ve got two people discussing their perspectives of the world, and realizing how little they knew about the supposed “enemy.” In Book 2, The Chasm, Theo and Galian see their perspectives of their own countries may not be as cut and dry as they thought before.
6. Your opinion on Negative Reviews?
A negative review still meant someone read my book. As an Indie Author, that’s kind of the focus at the moment, because I don’t have a big publisher or agent getting my book out there. After publishing six books in two years, I’ve also come to realize what one person loves, another person hates, so as long as I love my story (and I do), that’s all I can hope for.
S. Usher Evans is an author, blogger, and witty banter aficionado. Born in Pensacola, Florida, she left the sleepy town behind for the fast-paced world of Washington, D.C.. There, she somehow landed jobs with BBC, Discovery Channel, and National Geographic Television before finally settling into a “real job” as an IT consultant. After a quarter life crisis at age 27, she decided consulting was for the birds and rekindled a childhood passion for writing novels. She sold everything she owned and moved back to Pensacola, where she currently resides with her two dogs, Zoe and Mr. Biscuit.
Evans is the author of the Razia series, Madion War Trilogy, and Empath, published by Sun’s Golden Ray Publishing.
Check her out on the below social medias:
Buy The Island for eBook, Paperback, and Hardcover.Prince Galian is third in line to the throne, but prefers his place as a resident at the Royal Kylaen Hospital. When his father urges him to join the military to help reclaim their colony, Galian is forced to put aside his oath to Do No Harm and fight a war he does not believe in.
Across the great Madion Sea, Captain Theo Kallistrate dreams of a day when she is no longer bound by conscription to fight for her country's independence. But when the Kylaens threaten, honor and duty call her to the front lines to fight off the oppressors.
When an air skirmish goes wrong, both Theo and Galian crash on a remote island hundreds of miles from either nation. Grievously injured, Theo must rely on Galian's medical expertise, and Galian must rely on Theo's survival skills, to live another day in a harsh and unforgiving terrain.
Can they put aside their differences long enough to survive? Or will the war that brought them to the island tear them apart?