HI everyone! I have someone different for all of you to meet today - the COMPLETELY awesome lady who designed by blog for me, and it looks SO pretty that I simply CANNOT STOP STARING AT IT. Cassidy was super sweet, listening to all my silly little questions and in general, just an awesome person!
You guys should DEFINITELY check out her prettier than the world blog, Quartzfeather and live your lives there. I've asked her a few questions for all of you lovelies to get to know her!
We'd love to get to know more about you:
1. The strangest thing that's ever happened to you:
So once upon a time in 8th grade two kids in my history class decided to be extremely annoying and ship me with a human's who's name started with an S. Hence the fact that our "ship name" was Sassidy (yes a ship name and all, and yes they would call me that relentlessly, it was soooo embarrassing)
I told one of my best friends about the whole Sassidy debacle, and she told me that she shipped the ship but not me with the guy from History. It was this other guy I didn't know. So I blushed (I blush really easily) told her no, and the topic wasn't brought up for a while.
Then I got my first crush (yeah I'm a real late bloomer) and after a lot on internal struggle I confessed my crush to my friend. Turns out that guy was the guy she'd paired me with earlier in the year. The thing was I didn't remember this till she told me, after I confessed my crush to her. My friend is some sort of crazy matchmaker/fortune teller is she not? (Also if your curious what my crush's name was, I shall give thee a clue: His name is in one of the five books I mention in the next question)
2. Five Books Everyone needs to read:
Ooooh only five? It's gonna be painfully hard to narrow down my huge list of must read books. The Wrath & The Dawn, Cinder, The Winner's Curse, Carry On, and *drumroll* How Train Your Dragon.
3. This or That:
-- The Beach or Snowy Mountaintops
3. a. This is hard cause I love them both, but I was raised near the ocean so the beach wins out. Also having lived only in the south I would probably die of cold in the mountains.
-- Audio books or Ebooks
b. Wellll for me Audiobooks win, mostly cause Ebooks are my least favorite format. I normally get distracted while reading Ebooks so finishing them is a struggle.
b. Wellll for me Audiobooks win, mostly cause Ebooks are my least favorite format. I normally get distracted while reading Ebooks so finishing them is a struggle.
-- Skirts or Shorts
c. I personally like the idea of skirts but I'm not exactly a ladylike person so me and skirts don't get along so well. However I don't really wear shorts that much (I stick with a nice pair of skinny jeans most of the time) so I guess skirts win.
c. I personally like the idea of skirts but I'm not exactly a ladylike person so me and skirts don't get along so well. However I don't really wear shorts that much (I stick with a nice pair of skinny jeans most of the time) so I guess skirts win.
4. A song and a character that perfectly describe you:
Characterwise I'd have to say Cinder from The Lunar Chronicles, but obviously I'm more kickarse then her (lieessss she is so much more kickarse then me) but we're both extrememly sarcastic and have extremely dry senses of humor. Though I have yet to find out I'm a long lost lunar princess, and I still need to save a moon country from an evil brainwashing queen before I can even begin to compare to Cinder's awesomeness. (Also I'm still waiting for my Kai *sigh*)
Songwise *digs through music* I wanna say I'm a song from The Hamilton Musical (my new obsession, but I've only listened to the soundtrack, can't afford Broadway *sigh*) but couldn't find one to match me. Can I just be the whole musical? Lol other than that I have zero ideas....
5. What are the saddest, happiest and most shocking books you've ever read?
Everything Everything by Nicola Yoon is hands down the most shocking book ever. Saddest for me was probably How to Fight a Dragon's Fury. It was the last book and that ending *sobs* as for the happiest I'd have to say Carry On. That book had me smiling the entire time.
6. Your one message to book bloggers:

Cassidy is thy name. I run a {quite pink} book blog. I post about books, the occasional movie, and fangirl excessively. I adore curly brackets, French ladybugs, and nightfuries. I'm a dedicated bookdragon {thanks Cait} and an animated film freak.