
Blog Tour: Suffer Love by Ashley Herring Blake - Review + Favourite Quotes + Giveaway

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Title:Suffer Love
Author: Ashley Herring Blake
Publisher: HMH Books for Young Readers
Release Date: May 3rd 2016
Genre: Young Adult, Contemporary, Romance, Realistic Fiction
Blurb Description: Hadley St. Clair's life changed the day she came home to a front door covered in slips of paper, each of them revealing the ugly truth about her father. Now as her family falls apart in the wake of his year-long affair, Hadley wants everyone-her dad most of all-to leave her alone.
Then she meets Sam Bennett, a cute new boy who inexplicably "feels like home" to Hadley. Hadley and Sam's connection is undeniable, but Sam has a secret about his family that could ruin everything.
Funny and passionate, Suffer Love is a story about first love, family dysfunction, and the fickle hand of fate.

Quite honestly, there’s not many contemporaries out there that surprise me anymore. There’s too much pining or insta-love or not enough pining. They need to have just the right balance, and I will fall in love with them.

From the description, Suffer Love didn’t seem like it was going to be one of those perfect novels, but a pretty good one, and so I decided to sign up for the tour anyway!


There was pining, and it wasn’t too much. There was attraction and chemistry and SWOONS but it wasn’t instant and not too slow burn either. It wasn’t all about Hadley and Sam them, there were so many amazing secondary characters like Livy and Ajay and Cat and even their parents. It was SUCH SUCH SUCH A well done story, I don’t even know what to say about it.

The thing I loved THE MOST about Suffer Love was that it was so REAL. Everything felt topsy-turvy, and painful and happy and screwed up and pretty much every moment in your life, captured in the form of a book (which is the BEST shape ever) and I salute you, Ashley Herring Blake for making this come to life.


And the recommendation that YOU NEED THIS BOOK IN YOUR LIFE. 

"Since everything in my life went to crap, I haven't exactly been on the prowl for a heart-fluttering romance."

"Hot? How is not the word I would've used. Unsurpassed. Magical. Wistful. But you can't say that kind of shit without being called a pussy, so I keep my mouth shut.

"I want her to come with me and I want her eyes on mine and her words to fill up the space in my car. There are a million voices in my head right now, screaming about what a delusional idiot I am, but with her standing in front of me, her lashes fanning her pink cheeks, they're easy to ignore."

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Ashley Herring Blake is a poet, teacher, and YA novelist. Her debut novel, SUFFER LOVE, follows two teens as they attempt to wade through an intense relationship complicated by their parents' infidelities. Ashley lives in Nashville, TN.