
Malibu Secrets by MK. Meredith- Review, Interview & GIVEAWAY

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Title: Malibu Secrets (Malibu Sights, #2)
Author: MK Meredith
Publisher: Entangled Publishing: Indulgence
Publication Date: December 14th 2015
Part of A Series?: Yes, but can be read as a Standalone
I Got A Copy Through: NetGalley (Invited by the Publisher)

Blurb Description: On the verge of losing the Malibu home she inherited from her great-aunt, Addi Dekker is completely failing to prove to her family she can make it as a writer. Not exactly how a girl proves her independence. If she doesn’t want to give up her dream and go back to the soul-sucking job she just left, Addi has to swallow her dislike of Hollywood and rent the house out to the sexy-as-hell film producer. 

And maybe (shhhh!) save money by secretly living there, too.

Roque Gallagher is pouring his heart and savings into his first independent film to make the industry acknowledge him for his talent and not just his family name. Addi’s home is perfect for the shoot, but she’s far too tempting. He’s never been able to handle work and a relationship, and this is the film of a lifetime. Between a shrinking budget and his director quitting, the last thing he needs is a sexy-as-sin tease like Addi. And he has a feeling there's something she's hiding...

We'd Love to get to know more about you:

1.Top Five Romantic Novels:
Ohhhhh! This is such a hard question to answer because I love romance which means I love so many!! But if I have to choose 5, I will choose 5 that when I think back really stuck with me for one reason or another.

A Night to Surrender by Tessa Dare – this book sold the whole series to me!

The Villa by Nora Roberts – I found the atmosphere so intriguing and romantic. And I love wine! Ha!

What Happens at Christmas by Victoria Alexander – I don’t’ think any romance has ever made me laugh so hard!

Dangerous by Amanda Quick – Prudence won me over immediately. And I love reading about London in the time of the Ton

And the fifth book that I’m thinking of I can’t remember the title or author! Aaack! But it has always stuck with me. I hate when that happens, but I’m horrible at remembering. The good thing is I have her books, the bad thing is that since we’re only in the house we are renting temporarily, they are packed away! But…the story is set in Australia and the title is a play off of treating dating like training a dog. LOL! So cute. This author writes fast and flirty reads that entertain me from beginning to end. If I find the book I’m thinking of, I’ll leave the name in the comments!

2.     Weirdest Thing You've Ever Done: I had my lips tattooed. My lips have always been very pale so I thought having them tattooed would brighten up my face a little. BUT…lips are so sensitive! And even though the artist had a dentist husband who could administer novacane…HOLY CRAP…did it hurt. Also…lips exfoliate so much that it fades after a few years so now my lips are back to their original paleness. LOL! Not going back any time soon!

3. This Or That:
-- Hardbacks or Paperbacks: Paperbacks. Hardbacks are so heavy that my arms get tired. LOL! And with paperbacks I can still collect my favorite authors. They’re also less expensive but still allow me to smell the divine scent of paper.
 -- India or China: India – There is rich beauty and history in both countries, but India…*sigh*…all the color, the traditions, the romance!
 -- Spoons or Forks: Forks! I can eat way more things with a fork, and if I’m eating soup I can simply drink from the bowl.

And now, onto your masterpiece:

4. Tell us a little about Malibu Secrets and the world your characters live in:

My heroine has been coddled her whole life even though she’s chasing down 30. Determined to prove to her family that she can make it on her own, she comes up with a plan to save her home which is facing foreclosure…and ends up in all kinds of trouble! She’s impulsive and a dreamer and, of course, gets it all wrong! LOL!
She decides to rent her home to a sexy producer in order to come up with the money but still falls a little short. So to make up for the difference, she still lives there under his nose and pockets the hotel per diem until she’s saved enough. After all, in her experience, Hollywood was full of spendthrifts and would throw thousands on just the right bonbons for its latest super stars, so they wouldn’t notice her little stunt. But she eventually finds out the producer she’s now fallen in love with had been footing the bill all along. And there’s no way he’s going to forgive her for keeping such a secret.
The series is all about thirty somethings trying to make it in the film industry and love all while surrounded by the beautiful paradise that is Malibu, Ca.

5. As a writer, what is the greatest challenge you face?

Hmmmmmm….I think my biggest challenge is balancing my time with my children and being healthy while writing. After dealing with breast cancer earlier this year I have to make sure I exercise daily. And I love being a mom…but if I don’t write, readers can’t read my stories. So finding a productive balance is key! Cause I LOVE being a mom. So I want to do it right and be here a long time in order to do it. J

My other challenge is writing romance that is real and unique in a world full of prolific and talented writers. I want to make people feel, take them on a journey, and give them strong characters to connect with. But we aren’t strong right from the beginning. That comes from growth and learning, so I really love the story to show that. They make bad decisions, they drive us crazy, but they break through in the end.

6. If you could meet your star crossed lovers, what one piece of advice would you give each of them?

I would tell Addi to think things through. She’s so impulsive and so determined to prove herself that she gets into big trouble.
 I would tell Roque that it wasn’t fair to hold those around him to the standards he has for himself. That only sets the ones he loves up to fail.


I don’t usually read New Adult books, but, once in a while, there are these books that come along, and I usually have his inextinguishable urge to read them – and M.K.Meredith’s Malibu Secrets was one of these books!

Spoilt younger sister. Determined to make it on his own Hollywood Producer. Wannabe writer. Almost there producer. One House. One Movie. Money, Family, Love and Malibu. Sounds like the perfect set up, right?

Well, it really was. Malibu Secrets was this perfect, short, sexy read. Addison and Roque were both extremely headstrong, extremely determined to do their own thing in their own way, and perfect for each other while being quite oblivious to it. I loved their families, I loved the best friend, and the sister, and I really loved that ending. 

Actually what I really loved was the concept of everything – how it all sounded on paper. And yet, the execution itself could have been so much better. There could have been more chemistry, more Hollywood backstabbing, more hurt, more family, more sisterhood bonding, more maturing – just more everything. Everything, even the problems seems so carefully crafted, the people so perfect and their flaws so fixable, which isn’t how all of this actually works; which isn’t how life, or people work.

I really did like the book – I wished that even in Hollywood, things were more real than what I got. It was a good read nonetheless.