


Hi Guys! I realize that I've been blogging for over a year and a half, and I haven't done anything really special for all of you WONDERFUL people. So, I was sitting in my room today, and AAAAH! I had a stroke of genius! Since my Twitter and Instagram feeds have been spammed with people's best 2015 books, I decided I'd do one too!

So, welcome to DAY ONE of the LAST DAYS of 2015 GIVEAWAY! I'm going to list out my five favorite fantasy books, you enter the giveaway, and I'll give you the book you want most, along with a SWAG PACK (Including SIGNED bookmarks, postcards and badges) YAYY!

My Favorite 2015 Books (AND WHAT YOU CAN WIN):

1. Queen of Shadows by Sarah J. Maas:

2. Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard

3. An Ember in the Ashes by Sabaa Tahir

4. Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo

5. The Winner's Crime by Marie Rutkoski

I don't know what to say about any of them, expect BOOK HANGOVERRS! I loved each and every word of each and every one of them, and thanks to these five lovely ladies, I have had the best bookish year anyone can ask for:)

If you've loved these (well, of course you do) or want to give me a recommendation, or just say hi (bookish friends, YAY!) please please please do so! Have fun, and may the odds be even in your favour!