An Absence of Light by Meradeth Houston
Published by: Evernight Teen
Publication date: October 31st 2014
Genres: Horror, Science Fiction, Young Adult
Published by: Evernight Teen
Publication date: October 31st 2014
Genres: Horror, Science Fiction, Young Adult
Synopsis: Leah’s always seen the shadow creatures. She thought she was immune to their evil—until now.
She’s walked into a massacre, stolen a BMW, and is running from the law for a crime she didn’t commit. Nineteen-year-old Leah’s life just went from mildly abnormal to totally crazy at lightning speed. But no one will believe that the shadow creatures are framing her for the murder, because she’s the only one that can see them. At least that’s what she thought.
When Leah stumbled across a group who share her ability, she discovers they have something she doesn’t: a way to fight back. When the group offers to teach her how to kill the shadow creatures,
Leah jumps at the chance. But something is brewing with the creatures. They’re tracking down the hunters like there’s no tomorrow. Leah suspects that maybe there won’t be, and it’s up to her to make sure tomorrow comes. Because she’ll do anything to stop the shadows, including risking her life—and the life of the one she loves—to keep the world from being lost to darkness forever.

--She’s a Northern California girl. And now is braving the cold winters in Montana.
--When she’s not writing, she’s sequencing dead people’s DNA. For fun!
--She’s also an anthropology professor and loves getting people interested in studying humans.
--If she could have a super-power, it would totally be flying. Which is a little strange, because she’s terrified of heights.
Author links: MeradethHouston author/show/5321667.Meradeth_ Houston
I've only read one other Meradeth Houston book, and that was almost a full year ago- one of my first indie books, one of my first blog events- and the first author that I spoke to- and while Surrender The Sky wasn't a mindblowing book, it is most definitely one imprinted into my memory- and here I am, at the end of another one of her books- one that I loved VERY much!
I suppose what got me into the book after who it was written by and what that meant to me was the title itself- An Absence of Light- which for some reason sounds BRILLIANT- Just like all Meradeth's other titles! An Absence of Light starts off with a rather emotional bang, as described in the blurb. Leah's entire family has been murdered by these soulless things only she has been able to see for a long time- things that she calls the Shadows. Filled with grief she can't yet process, she takes off, leaving her family's rotting corpses and a possible murder conviction in her wake...
Lost, and broken, she stumbles upon people like her- ones that can not only see the shadows, but also have been hurt just as much. But they're also different. They've learnt how to fight back, and now, so can Leah!
But the shadows are only becoming more daring, and all they want is blood. A shadow take over is on the horizon and there are only three people that can stop it.
I LOVED THIS BOOK! I don't know what else to say, except for the fact that it was exactly what I wanted and nothing like what I expected- I can simply recommend it! The characters had pain and happiness that was so equally divided that you couldn't help but sympathize with them. In any case, there was only one drawback- I just wished that Leah went through something- SOMETHING- before meeting Manuel and the rest of the gang, just to make it seem more plausible that just running into a gang of people that could make your life a whole lot easier!
I am SO glad you enjoyed this!! And thanks a million for joining in on the tour and being so super supportive in posting your review :) A million thanks!!