
Top Ten Tuesday #2 - Ten Books I Recently Added to by TBR!

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish.

So, here are the Top Ten Books I Recently Added to by TBR - in NO particular order. Some of these I JUST added to my Amazon/ Goddreads wishlists yesterday, and I'm SO SO excited to get my hands on them.

1. Asking for it by Louise O' NeillI have NO idea why I didn't put this on my TBR sooner, but as I scrolled through the Amazon India page, I realized that it's AVAILABLE here! SO RARE! YAY!

2. Truthwitch by Susan Dennard (The Witchlands, #1) Which is, sadly, unavailable in India, and I'm going to have to pay a ton of money to import. But I am SO SO SO SO SO excited about this book!

3. The Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer (YES, the entire series.) I just got all four books, and I JUST finished reading Cinder, and while it wasn't everything I expected it to be, I can't wait for more!
4. The Year We Fell Apart by Emily Martin Pitched as perfect for fans of Sarah Dessen, this book is DEFINITELY going to be my next read. Catch my review later this week as a part of the FFBC Blog Tour!

5. Passenger by Alexandra Bracken: This sounds absolutely gorgeous! I haven't read her previous series either, but I can't wait!

6. The Young Elites by Marie Lu (The Young Elites, #1): This book has been sitting in my bookshelf for a little while now, and with Rose Society finally out, I'm going to start this pretty soon!

7. The Girl Who Fell by Shannon Parker: This sounds like the perfect combination of dysfunctional and perfect, if that makes any sense. I have an ARC of this book, and I will DEFINITELY be starting soon!

 8. Blackhearts by Nicole Castroman: Just got an ARC of this too, and LET THE READING BEGIN!

9. Did I Mention I Love You by Estelle Markelle (The DIMILY trilogy, #1): I'm a little sad that this contemporary is a trilogy - I've never really understood what that the point was of dragging it on for so long, but this book is supposed to be explosive, and hopefully not draggy, so I'm really looking forward to it! I also just realized that DIMILY was an acronym. Silly me.

10.  Rebel of the Sands by Awlyn Hamilton: Um AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! That cover is DROP DEAD GORGEOUS, that storyline is ELECTRIFYING and I can't wait!